Hi, I’m George.
I’m a Sports, Portrait, Pet and Photographer currently based the South West.
After graduating with a 2:1 degree in Television Production from Bournemouth University, one of the top media schools in Europe, I began working in videography, covering everything from nightclubs to festivals to even being on stage with Anthony Joshua.
Nightclub videography led to nightclub photography. Most of the time, this consisted of highly posed, requested photos. But I experimented with taking images that captured real moments over staged; moods over manipulations.
They turned out pretty good.
Good enough that I was hired to spend a summer in Greece, snapping sports like sailing, windsurfing and waterskiing during the day, and, during the evening, taking bespoke family portraits. It was a joyful time, being able to give people photographic mementos of photogenic holidays.
Being the resident Photographer for Hunters Surf School in Woolacombe for 2 seasons, I found a new sport I loved to photograph. I loved how perfectly timed and focused you’re required to be as half a second could mean the difference between getting the shot or not. If you’ve been on Woolacombe beach in the last couple of years you may well have seen me, really cold but having a great time.